Please download the transaction list template and fill in the list of your transactions for the audit period
You should fill out the transaction list as follows:
Revenues/Expenses: Indicate whether the transaction is a revenue, expense, or a deposit.
From/To: Please indicate the source of funds (for revenues) or where the money was spent (for expenses). If the transaction was a cheque transaction, this would be the cheque payee.
Event Number:: You must assign each event with unique number.
Event Name::Name of the event. *Note, one event number cannot have multiple event names! Please keep this consistent.
Description: Please include a detailed description of the transaction. For example, "Purchase of 150 samosas for January 19, 2023 samosa sale".
Cheque / ACH / Credit / Cash / Payable / Receivable / Other:Please select the type of transaction. If in case you have selected ‘Other’, please write down the details in the disclosure.
Reimbursed Executive:Please select who has been reimbursed. *Note, if it’s not a reimbursing transaction, you must list it as N / A.
Account Number:Use this drop-down menu to select the SSMU accounting number corresponding to the type of expense or source of revenue.*Note: If it’s a deposit, make sure to select ‘DEPOSIT’.
Amount: Please enter the amount of the transaction.
Date: Indicate the date of the receipt or expenditure. For cheques, this would be the date that the cheque was written, not the day that the cheque cleared your bank account. For cash receipts (revenues), this would be the day that the cash was received.
References: Enter the reference number that you have assigned to the catalogued receipt associated with this transaction. The reference number must correspond with labelled receipt and all other documentation submitted for this individual transaction.