Black Community Awards

Are you or do you know a student who self identifies as black, who has contributed significantly to their community? Consider nominating them or yourself for the McGill Black Grad Community Awards

The prizes are 1000$ each and you are allowed to nominate or be nominated for more than one category.

Nominee Information

The information provided below should for the individual being nominated, if you are nominating yourself please provide your own information

Awards Category

Please select the award(s) category for this nomination

Leadership Award: This award recognises a black student who has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities both within the academic community and in university/societal contexts. Nominees should have a proven track record of inspiring and empowering others, initiating positive change, and advocating for the interests of the Black community.

Academics Award: The Academics Award celebrates a black student who has excelled academically and made significant contributions to their field of study. Nominees should have demonstrated a commitment to scholarly excellence through research, publications, presentations, and other academic achievements, while also promoting diversity and inclusion within their academic community.

Innovation Award: The Innovation Award honors a hard working black student who has shown creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and a commitment to innovation in their academic pursuits or beyond the classroom. Nominees may have developed innovative solutions to challenges, launched entrepreneurial ventures, or demonstrated creativity and ingenuity in their work.

Athletics Award.: This award recognises a black student who has achieved excellence in athletics while pursuing their studies. Nominees should have demonstrated exceptional skill, sportsmanship, and dedication to their sport, as well as leadership qualities that inspire and uplift their fellow athletes. Additionally, nominees should have a commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion within the realm of athletics.

Mariame Kaba Community Award: This award is open to all students recognizes a black student of upstanding moral character from any level and any faculty who has demonstrated service to and engagement with the Black community both on and off campus. Nominees should have consistent interaction with the McGill and Greater Montreal Black community centering care, support, advocacy, and/or social justice.

Criteria Questions

Supporting Documents

Please upload supporting documents relevant to the specific award category/categories. If submitting for more than one award category, please ensure that the document headings are clearly labeled for each respective award.

Below are some examples (but not limited to) of supporting documents that can be submitted:

Feel free to submit anything that you believe would support the nomination and selection for the award(s) chosen. It is up to your discretion to determine what you deem might enhance the nomination.

  • - Documentation of leadership roles held within academic or extracurricular organizations (e.g., executive board positions, committee memberships)
  • - Written descriptions or summaries of leadership initiatives, projects, or events organized or led by the nominee.
  • - Photographs or videos showcasing the nominee's leadership in action (e.g., leading a workshop, organising a community service event).

  • - Unoffical McGiill transcripts demonstrating the nominee's academic achievements and coursework. Self reported GPA is permitted (Offical transcipts will be requested if selected)
  • - Copies of research papers, publications, or presentations authored or co-authored by the nominee.
  • - Documentation of academic achievements, awards, projects etc.

  • - Athletic resumes or profiles detailing the nominee's sports achievements, awards, and competitive history.
  • - Team rosters or participation lists confirming the nominee's involvement in sports teams.
  • - Highlights or recordings of notable athletic performances or competitions featuring the nominee.

    Innovation Award:
  • - Business plans, pitch decks, or market analyses related to entrepreneurial ventures or startup initiatives led by the nominee.
  • - Social media pages, articles, etc that showcase the innovation or business venture.

  • Mariame Kaba Community Award:
  • - Written descriptions of initiatives, projects, or events the nominee has organized or collaborated on.
  • - A letter of support from an organization or individual with whom they have worked.
  • - Photographs, videos, or social media posts showcasing the nominee's community work in action.
  • Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
    Maximum 10 files totalling not more than 50MB. Note that videos cannot be posted here (see below for posting videos)